SOS offers a safe environment for all recovering people regardless of their sexual orientation. Since we are secular and consider all religious or political activities to be strictly personal issues">

SOS offers a safe environment for all recovering people regardless of their sexual orientation. Since we are secular and consider all religious or political activities to be strictly personal issues, our members are generally characterized as free-thinking and tolerant people.
SOS is based on respect for the individual and not on abstract dogma or faith. We are concerned with only one issue and that is sobriety. We have no opinion of sexual matters, it is not our concern as an organization or an issue among our members. We actively encourage diversity in opinion and approaches to life and in this context welcome people whatever their sexual orientation, so long as no harm is brought purposely to others.
Many of our members are gay, lesbian or bi and attest that they feel more comfortable inside SOS than in any other recovery grouping. We actively encourage all members, regardless of their sexual orientation to meet together in the same groups, in order to share common experiences and goals of recovery- and this is very successful feature of SOS today.
However, we do recognize special needs for different groups and should some members wish to establish a Gay SOS group, Lesbian or Bi SOS, then we would actively welcome and help them.
Furthermore, the webmaster would like to ask gay and lesbian SOS members to contribute articles to this and other web sites.

for more information


Home Page
Times, Places & Contact Info for SOS Meetings
Meeting Time & Place
Religious & Non-Religious Freedom is Practiced Here
Religious & Non-Religious Freedom
An Over View of SOS - What are we about?
What is SOS
An Overview of SOS
Sobriety Priority
SOS Organization
The Founder of SOS. How it came to be.
James Christopher
Sobriety Tools & Articles by SOS Members
Sobriety Tool Box
P.A.S.T. Para-Addiction Stress Trauma
Drugs & Cross Addiction
Sexual Orientation
Family & Friends
Is Your Group a Cult?
Starting and Running an SOS Meeting
Startling an SOS Meeting
Print Out Opening a Meeting
Print Out Starting a Meeting
Chartered or Shackled?
SOS Conferences & Books
SOS International Conference 2000
SOS International Conference 2002
Books- Newsletters - Videotapes
AA-SOS Relations
AA-SOS Relations
AA-SOS as One Member sees it
Links for Support
Links to Other Groups
SOS News Letter 2013

SOS Newsletter Spring - 2012
Val. 24 No 4

SOS Newsletter Summer - 2012
Val. 25 No 1

SOS Newsletter Winter -2012
Val. 24 No. 3

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