Religious & Non Religious Freedom.

I know that in every recovery group there will be people with differing views on religion. There will be people with different views on politics. To keep our focuses on recovery and keep our religious, political and social views intact, free from criticism or to have members trying to convert us to their religion or politics. It is in the best interest of the group and each of us, that our religious or non religious beliefs be expressed with like minded people outside of the meeting.

Here in SOS we build a safe place where Religious & Non Religious Freedom is Practiced.

Here everyone is encouraged to follow their own belief system.

My Religious or Non-Religious beliefs are never challenged in the group because they are a private part of my recovery. With my mind clear, free of Alcohol/Drugs I will be better equipped to follow my own belief system. I can expand and strengthen my belief system with like minded people outside of SOS meetings. Catholics & Baptist - Hindu - Hari Krishna - Buddhist - Moslem - Agnostic - Atheist and Pagan - are free to practice their beliefs with like minded people outside of SOS Meetings.

Here in SOS we build a safe place where Religious & Non Religious Freedom is Practiced.  

Here everyone is encouraged to follow their own belief system.

No One Preaches To - Tries to Convert - or - Subvert Another's Belief System.

Here we are each Unique. We Celebrate- & - Support this Uniqueness. From this celebration of just how different we are Strength & Power Grows.

Clean and sober I learn to use the Power I have with in my self to change my life forever.  

Each Individual is the leader in His or He Own Sobriety
I will Accept the Challenge of Living Life Alcohol/Drug Free. 


I will become the Captain of my ship and sail into a new life.


Home Page
Times, Places & Contact Info for SOS Meetings
Meeting Time & Place
Religious & Non-Religious Freedom is Practiced Here
Religious & Non-Religious Freedom
An Over View of SOS - What are we about?
What is SOS
An Overview of SOS
Sobriety Priority
SOS Organization
The Founder of SOS. How it came to be.
James Christopher
Sobriety Tools & Articles by SOS Members
Sobriety Tool Box
P.A.S.T. Para-Addiction Stress Trauma
Drugs & Cross Addiction
Sexual Orientation
Family & Friends
Is Your Group a Cult?
Starting and Running an SOS Meeting
Startling an SOS Meeting
Print Out Opening a Meeting
Print Out Starting a Meeting
Chartered or Shackled?
SOS Conferences & Books
SOS International Conference 2000
SOS International Conference 2002
Books- Newsletters - Videotapes
AA-SOS Relations
AA-SOS Relations
AA-SOS as One Member sees it
Links for Support
Links to Other Groups
SOS News Letter 2013

SOS Newsletter Spring - 2012
Val. 24 No 4

SOS Newsletter Summer - 2012
Val. 25 No 1

SOS Newsletter Winter -2012
Val. 24 No. 3

Collectors Editions


Agent Orange

of the

Orange Papers

Be sure to read them all